Dean Faculty of Law

Prof. Dr. Abdur Rahman
I would like to warmly welcome all of you to the web pages of
Prime University and the Faculty of Law. I have the privilege of serving as the
Dean of the Faculty of Law. It is the foremost faculty of law at Prime
University, which was established in 2002 as part of the dream of the university
"rendering prime knowledge". The Faculty of Law is one of the oldest
faculties of the University and it has gone through many developmental stages.
In addition to Prime University, the Faculty of Law has received approval from
the University Grants Commission (UGC) and the Bangladesh Bar Council.
This faculty has been blessed over the years with outstanding
lawyers and personalities, teachers, students and professionals. It is a
faculty with a long tradition that provides students with a real opportunity to
gain up-to-date instruction and experience and to upgrade their skills in both
legal practice and other relevant fields. We offer a wide variety of
undergraduate and postgraduate programs reflecting modern practices and advances
in the legal field to ensure that our students are adequately prepared to meet
the challenges of the modern world. The faculty highlights and ensures a high-quality educational approach that is directed at producing excellent and
knowledgeable lawyers and professionals.
The faculty is satisfied that a number of its members, including
professors and students, have won national and international honors and
recognition for their creativity and research production.

Professor Md. Emran Parvez Khan
The Faculty of Law
of Prime University is one of the leading centres of legal education in Bangladesh
which boasts of an unparalleled tradition of academic standing. The history of
the Faculty can be traced back to 2002, when the Department of Law was
established under the auspices of the Faculty of Law of Prime University. Since
its inception, the Faculty has immensely contributed to fostering the legal
system of Bangladesh. Significant generations of legal luminaries have passed
from here. Our exciting network of alumni includes leading figures in the
professional, political and academic spheres, whose contributions in numerous
fields have been celebrated both nationally and internationally. Our academic
staff includes distinguished professors and renowned academics whose
cutting-edge scholarship has been published in esteemed academic journals
around the globe. The rich and vibrant scholarly community helps to keep alive
the vigorous tradition of academic excellence.
It always gives me great pleasure and pride to see our students’ academic achievements. The Faculty has a congenial teaching-learning environment which immensely benefits students. It conducts both undergraduate and post-graduate degree programmes in Law. Our international partnerships with top-ranked universities provide opportunities for students to engage with international legal experts in different fields of Law. Every year, the Faculty conducts a series of conferences, workshops and webinars dealing with pressing issues of Law. We encourage students to expand their critical thinking and to sharpen their creative acumen with a vision of preparing them for a wide range of careers in the changing world. It is my honour to serve as the Dean of this prominent institution and to work with such an outstanding team of talented colleagues, students, alumni, and well-wishers. I invite you to explore our website to learn