Debating competition

Jan 19, 2022
Debating club of Civil Engineering Department Organized " Debating competition and prize giving ceremony " on the topic of "আধিপত্য নয়, বন্ধুত্বেই জয়" on 19 january 2022 at 10:30 AM. The Competition was Chaired by Md Abdul Aziz, Assistant professor and chief advisor of Civil Engineering Department debating club.The chief guest was Respected Head of Civil Engineering Department Prof. Dr. Md. Zahid Husain Khan and Special guest was prof. Dr. Jahangir Alam, dean, faculty of Engineering.
All of the students and faculty members attended the program. At last the chief guest distributed the prizes among the winners.
Winner Team:
Team of Shahran Hosen Sany (opposition party)
Best Speaker:
Md. Saimon Hossain (Civil 2nd Day batch)